Airsoft War Games!

Here are some games we may be playing....  

1. SEALS!  Where we pick a few of the best players, to go against everyone else!  
2. Capture the flag!  Its pretty self explanatory.  We break into two teams, and who ever gets the enemy teams flag, and gets it back to their base, wins!  If you get hit, you go to jail.  
3.  Team Death Match!  Probably the most popular game in Airsoft, we break into two teams, and the two teams battle it out!  
4. Hostage!  There will be one hostage, a few terrorists walking the hostage down a path, and then the military, trying to set up and ambush!  The military will try to "take" out the terrorists, and save the hostage!  Watch your aim, if you hit the hostage.....  GAME OVER!    

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